Here’s my list for the best books of the year, in three parts: 


The Auburn Conference   Tom Piazza  University of Iowa Press
Why We Love Baseball: A History in 50 Moments   Joe Posnanski   Dutton
Bob Dylan: Mixing Up the Medicine   Mark Davidson and Parker Fishel eds.  Callaway 
Our Strangers         Lydia Davis  distr by Microcosm What Goes On in a Beaver Pond   Becky Cushing Gop   Storey Press. Be: An Alphabet of Astonishment     Michael Lipson   Lorian Press


Published in 2022, but I didn’t find out about them until this calendar year
Women Holding Things   Maira Kalman    HarperCollins Cat Brushing       Jane Campbell      Grove Press


Red Balcony       Jonathan Wilson     Schocken Books The  Shadow Docket     Stephen Vladeck    Basic Bookser
Hidden Demons     Margery Metzger    Wildblue Press