Two calendar items for you this week: I’ll be on the radio tomorrow, Tuesday March 5 at 11:30 am on Joe Donahue’s WAMC Book-Picks show.

 They’ve changed the format this year. It used to be just one bookseller for 15 minutes each Tuesday, but there are so many more bookshops in the listening area now, he’s decided to double up, have two stores represented each week, and doubled the time as well, to a full half hour.
If you can’t tune in right at broadcast time, the shows get put onto their website soon after.
 Our next in-store author event will be next Sunday, March 10 at 4 pm with Karen Chase, for her new collection of essays, “History is Embarrassing”.
We’ve hosted her before, for memoir as well as poetry.  This new book, just published by CavanKerry Books, is a bit of departure for her. The essays are deeply personal; In some ways they are behind-the-scenes looks, many of them, on topics she’s written about before. 
For instance, in this book she melds her book on FDR’s attempt to deal with his polio, “The Looroco Log” with her own efforts in the memoir “Polio Boulevard”.  Likewise she revisits the tomb in India of the poet Jamali and his lover Kamali, about whom she wrote a book-length poem, only to discover that the made up life she invented for them has now become, for some, historical fact!
Karen and I will be in conversation about these stories as well as the others in “History is Embarrassing” at The Bookstore at 4 pm Sunday March 10.  We’d love to have you join us.
WAMC Tuesday March 5 at 11:30
Karen Chase Sunday March 10 at 4 pm.
Thanks for reading.