Hello my friends and supporters –  
We did it…TOGETHER!

We reached our second, increased goal of $120,000. I feel like George Bailey in “It’s A Wonderful Life”. The Bookstore lives on for all of us…and I can afford to pay some bills and get a new carpet! 

It has been a remarkable couple of weeks. I have lost track of what day it is in the overwhelming support that everyone near and far has shown. 

The story of our little bookstore with big support not only caught the eye of The Berkshire Eagle but also The Boston Globe. Some people donated who had never stepped foot through our door because they were moved by the story of our simple struggle in complex times. They too wanted to participate in a happy ending.  

So we will be wrapping up the Go Fund Me campaign. It may take me another 44 years to write all the thank yous. 

Meanwhile, the Fall book season is just about full on us now, some great new books coming in every week, sometimes every day. I was going to say especially in the childrens’ and young adult sections, but really in just about every department.  Three cheers for the writers, as well as you readers!

We are also adding a couple of new booksellers to the mix, to help both you and me get the most out of our new status, streamlining the way you can reach us to order books, figuring out when and how to reopen for in-person browsing, and more!

So for now, THANK YOU.
